
  • Rübabe ABİYEVA AMEA`nın A.A.Bakıhanov adına Tarih Enstitüsünün doktora öğrencisi


Heydar Aliyev, Civil Aviation, airports


Although economical, cultural development issues were touched throughout the years when Heydar Aliev led to Soviet Azerbaijan, this time growth of aviation hadn’t been separately research topic. In the article, specially separate archieve documents, Civil Aviation Museum’s various, literatures were touched which also increase historical significance of research work. Basic proof of the actuality of theme is that in the contemporary period development of Civil Aviation paid special attention. Whilst Heydar Aliev led to Azerbaijan SSR, as a result of reinforcement of management, increased demandiness against staff, great achievements, were gained in the economical-social sphere. At that time , like various areas of transportation, civil aviation was also paid attention. Specially for the reason, development of Azerbaijan civil aviation began with the period when Heydar Aliev led to our republic –beginning from 1969. In these following years, very essential works were done, projects were implemented. Until the period that Heydar Aliev come, in these periods a number of defects catch attention in the Azerbaijan civil aviation as well as there were serious needs for fundamental steps in order to prevent them. In 1979, Azerbaijan civil aviation management was turned to Azerbaijan Republic Civil Aviation industrial management. In the composition of management, Baku, Zabrat, Yevlakh avia-groups acted. Baku avia-groups included: Baku, Shaki, Zakhatala, Nakchivan Balakan, Lankaran, Fuzulu, Qizilagach, airports. Zabrat aviagroup included Qazimammad, Khacmaz, Zolonovsk, Imishli, Goychay, Cabrayil Kurdamir, Quba, Pushkin, Salyan, Proshib airports, Oilstones, Ziloy, Artyom helicopter areas. In the content Yevlakh united aviagroups Yevlakh, Khankandi, Agstafa, Agdam, Naftalan, Qutqashan airports operated. Apart from this, Ganca aviation company also included into Aviation industrial management. As a consequences of all of these, in the demonstrated period capacity of avia-transportation increased dramatically. So that, in 1970’s Azerbaijan civil aviation management saw off 5 million passengers, 98 thousand tons luggage and mails. More than 14 million hectares plantation and gardens were cultivated by avia-chemical way. Specially for these successes and high achievements as a result of new adopted aviation techniques, Azerbaijan civil aviation management was awarded with October order in 1983. Also, some of the workers of Azerbaijan Civil Aviation management were awarded with SSR decrees, orders and medals. Hence, in the 70s years while Heydar Aliev led to Azerbaijan SSR, material and technical source of civil aviation was strengthened enough, new airports were built, technical equipments were ameliorated, geography of flight was extended. Consequently, volume of passengers and luggage transportation increased, demonstrated service level developed in a way that caught attention.



How to Cite

ABİYEVA, R. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION IN THE YEARS WHILE HEYDAR ALIEV LED TO AZERBAIJAN SSR. Al Farabi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 4(4), 30–34. Retrieved from


