

Basin, Ground, Settlement, Damage


Erzurum Basin, which is determined as the study area, is a plain formed under the influence of compression and stress tectonics. The city of Erzurum is located in this plain which has collapsed under the control of faults and continues to collapse. The city tends to spread towards the center of the Erzurum Plain. This study was carried out to determine the risk that ground conditions in Erzurum will cause for settlements whose number of floors increase day by day and to draw attention to this. While preparing the study, literature review and field studies were conducted to provide a basis for the subject. Ground survey reports based on the relevant area were examined and the results were evaluated Recently a number of new settlement areas have been established and continue to be established in Erzurum. In the future, the city's envisaged directions are the lowest areas of the plain and are first class agricultural land which is collapsed due to faulting and high level of ground water and covered with alluvial material. In the northern part of the city, along the Karasu Stream marshes and ponds are formed when the snow melts and the rains increase. All three of the central districts are located on a thick stack of old and old alluviums and sediments.. Considering the floor characteristics, the number of floors (10 to 17 times) of the new buildings is quite scary. However, local soil conditions are the most important reason for the different distribution of structural damages during the earthquake. The areas where the most devastation occurred during the earthquakes occurred throughout the history are places close to the earthquake source, structural faults in the buildings and local ground conditions where there are weak characteristics. Therefore, local ground conditions should be considered with great care when choosing the location and construction techniques of the new buildings in Erzurum.



How to Cite

KARACA, S., & BAYRAM, H. (2019). SETTLEMENT AND GROUND RELATIONS IN THE ERZURUM BASIN. Al Farabi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 3(2), 80–98. Retrieved from


