Analysis of Cultural Heritage Works in the Context of Transmedia Storytelling: The Case of Maiden Tower



Transmedia Storytelling, Collective Memory, Maiden Tower, Tourist İdentity


Cultural works have their own stories, and these stories have become more interesting and attracted by being transferred in varied ways in different periods of history. Cultural structures have functioned as 'collective memory' in time due to their position. As a result of the functioning of spaces as a means of social representation, the approach to these works has changed and the contents of these works have been diversified and changed. The study is analyzed the spread of the "Maiden's Tower" cultural structure in different mediums. The seven principles of transmedia storytelling proposed by Henry Jenkins were used as a method. The general story built around the Maiden's Tower has been analyzed and it has been determined that it is an applicable model in tourism marketing according to the principles of Spreadability / Drillability, Continuity / Multiplicity, İmmersion/Extractibility, Worldbuilding, Seiability, Subjectivity, Performance



How to Cite

GULİYEVA, D., & GULİYEV, Z. (2021). Analysis of Cultural Heritage Works in the Context of Transmedia Storytelling: The Case of Maiden Tower. Al Farabi Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 6(1), 96–108. Retrieved from


